089 268 6622
We provide 100% coverage across Cork City and suburbs. We would only be too happy to visit your home.
Open 7 days a week. Weekdays from 9am - 9pm and 9am - 5pm on Saturday and Sunday. 70% of our calls are outwith normal business hours.
The Dirt Clinic is a local cleaning service provider that merits their business on high standards and most of all customer expectations. We provide a professional service and customers can be assured of a friendly welcome throughout the customer journey from first contact to satisfactory completion of service.
We aim to be one of the leading providers of residential cleaning solutions in Cork. Our mission is to:
Deliver high quality and consistent services
Use environmentally friendly cleaning products
Concentrate our resources on maintaining standards
Make you an extremely satisfied customer
Our focus is to listen to our Clients, understand their needs and provide the exceptional level of residential cleaning services that they expect.
If for any reason you aren’t happy with our cleaning services please contact us. We will come back within 72 hours and clean the specific areas that didn’t meet your standards.
In case you need a special cleaning service we would be happy to consider your request in the hope of fulfilling your expectations.